So, I finally decided that it is past time I get a closer look at the areas I have available for planting. My grand ideas need some major changing. How did I not notice that there isn't anything growing, because it is sand. Not sandy soil, but pure sand. :) Yes, it can be done. Considering the short period of time I have here in this beautiful place, and the expense and labor involved, it's not worth it to go all out.
I will be planting in a few pots, and everything will be staying in one specific flower bed that gets plenty of sunlight. I will be adding organic compost and planting sandy soil loving plants like lavender, oregano, Russian sage, rosemary, and thyme. I might even pick up some hardy grapes.
Oh, I almost forgot. I am going to get a couple of citrus trees, also. I'm thinking, Meyer's lemons and an orange.
So, now I'm off to the farmer's market. It's always good to meet new people and buy local. I really like to know where my food is coming from.
Everyone have a beautiful Shabbat!