Part of healing the world, is mental and spiritual, but we must never forget the many projects around the world that work to physically heal the earth, which has far-reaching, positive effects. Please take the time to check out the Longhorn Project.
"The Negev’s
extreme heat and lack of water create difficult agricultural conditions.
Farmland in Galilee is being overrun. Growths of non-native thorn
bushes, shrubs and low trees leave farms fallow and create fire hazards
that threaten the entire area.
Advocate Robin
Rosenblatt, speaking today for the American Israel Texas Longhorn
Ecological Project, declared with hopeful confidence that an economical
solution to Negev’s hostile and the Galilee’s damaged environments has
been found, and it comes right out of the American Old West ---Texas
Longhorn cattle. He wants to bring the critters from America to Israel.
These hardy creatures are
highly adaptable to harsh environments. They feed on shrubs, tree
leaves and cacti and they can function well in feedlot or range
conditions. They have excellent calving and mothering capabilities. They
protect their calves from predators and cattle thieves. Longhorn cattle
are also highly disease resistant and their average yearly loss rate is
as low as 3%.
To date, Israel has
acquired cattle from America and Europe that are not suited to the
region’s semi-desert environment. They suffer from a variety of
preventable problems including poor mothering skills, birth
complications, high losses to predators and cattle thieves, and poor
disease resistance – in short, high death rates and low reproduction
rates. In some Galilean locations, losses run as high as 30% of the
annual calving crop. Israeli cattle producers have tried and failed to
improve their cattle’s’ adaptation to the environment.
Rosenblatt said this research project could benefit Israel, the Middle East, Africa and US cattle producers.
Texas Longhorn cattle may represent the solution to restoring the
natural environment of the Galilee and developing the Negev. The
research, if successful, could also help to boost Israel’s lackluster
meat production, decrease fire hazards, increase open space for
indigenous animals and tourism, and foster business with United States
ranchers. Eventually, benefits would accrue to third world nations who
are experiencing similar problems.
The Israel American Texas Longhorn Ecological Project is endorsed by the Texas Longhorn Heritage Foundation
and operates in conjunction with scientists from Israel’s Department of
Agriculture. This project is the only nonprofit that its business model
is structured to be completely self-sustainability, once we get our startup funds."
501 (c) 3 Non-profit # 74-3177354
Robin Rosenblatt
815 Hill St. # 5, Belmont CA 94002; (650) 631-9270 /
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